Please sign adams petition for clemency
Dear Family and Friends,
We have the opportunity to help Adam DIRECTLY! As of May 18, Michael O'Hear - Law Professor at Marquette University - submitted a request to President Obama for clemency for Adam. On June 30, the US Pardon Attorney requested an updated progress report on Adam, so we know the request was received at the White House! I now ask that you take just a moment or two to go to the website and sign the petition (simply by clicking on the button). It will be forwarded to the White House to show support of the request for clemency.
Once you sign, please ask YOUR spouse, children, family members, friends, neighbors to sign it as well. EVERY signature counts!!!
I sincerely thank you for your support. Now go to
Anna Marie Clausen
Adam's Mother
We have the opportunity to help Adam DIRECTLY! As of May 18, Michael O'Hear - Law Professor at Marquette University - submitted a request to President Obama for clemency for Adam. On June 30, the US Pardon Attorney requested an updated progress report on Adam, so we know the request was received at the White House! I now ask that you take just a moment or two to go to the website and sign the petition (simply by clicking on the button). It will be forwarded to the White House to show support of the request for clemency.
Once you sign, please ask YOUR spouse, children, family members, friends, neighbors to sign it as well. EVERY signature counts!!!
I sincerely thank you for your support. Now go to
Anna Marie Clausen
Adam's Mother
Thank you, Lois McVay for your voice message in support of Adam's Clemency.
adam is listed as one of the Top 25 Men deserving clemency - can-do clemency
Adam is listed as one of the "Top 25 Men Deserving Clemency" by CAN-DO Clemency. CAN-DO is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit foundation that advocates Clemency for federal prisoners who are deserving. Behind every face is a human with a story. Overly punitive laws create negative consequences that trigger a chain reaction upon innocent family members, friends and our society. Most of these people have been locked up for decades. Until our laws change, the only relief these people have for mercy, is a presidential pardon in the form of executive clemency.
Video Message from Adam - december, 2015
Help Free Adam

Welcome to Help Free Adam. My name is Adam Bentley Clausen and I am a 40 year old life coach trainer, health and wellness coach, group fitness instructor, inmate reentry program creator/coordinator/facilitator, and peer coach, mentor and leader who works inside a federal correctional facility in northwestern Pennsylvania. I am also a beloved son, nephew, cousin, family member and friend with an incredible network of supporters spread throughout the country. And one more thing...I also happen to be serving 213 YEARS for a spree of armed robberies that I committed back in February of 2000.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about what I might have become if I had only made some better choices. When I committed my crimes, I was extremely immature and irresponsible but that's obviously no excuse for my actions. Even now, nearly a decade and half later, I'm still trying to make amends for all of the incredibly bad choices of my youth. I carry a tremendous sense of remorse and guilt for the far-reaching impact of my crimes, and I wish that there was some definitive way for me to balance out my Karmic scale.
As I enter into my sixteenth year in prison, I am filled with great Hope for the future. Federal sentencing reform finally seems not only possible, but very likely to occur. I'm confident that those sentencing reform measures will eventually reach me...but with your support, that relief could reach me much more quickly. With your support, I might have a chance to become the complete person that I was meant to be...which means becoming a husband, a father, and a successful community leader.
Please take some time to read through these pages and learn more about my story. I invite you to send me your questions or comments. I greatly appreciate the fact you've taken the time to learn more about my situation, and I hope that I can count on your support.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about what I might have become if I had only made some better choices. When I committed my crimes, I was extremely immature and irresponsible but that's obviously no excuse for my actions. Even now, nearly a decade and half later, I'm still trying to make amends for all of the incredibly bad choices of my youth. I carry a tremendous sense of remorse and guilt for the far-reaching impact of my crimes, and I wish that there was some definitive way for me to balance out my Karmic scale.
As I enter into my sixteenth year in prison, I am filled with great Hope for the future. Federal sentencing reform finally seems not only possible, but very likely to occur. I'm confident that those sentencing reform measures will eventually reach me...but with your support, that relief could reach me much more quickly. With your support, I might have a chance to become the complete person that I was meant to be...which means becoming a husband, a father, and a successful community leader.
Please take some time to read through these pages and learn more about my story. I invite you to send me your questions or comments. I greatly appreciate the fact you've taken the time to learn more about my situation, and I hope that I can count on your support.
You can join our mission to amend, or repeal, the 924(c) federal firearm statute that turned an eight year sentence into 213 years by clicking RIGHT HERE. Your support can and will make a difference.
With Gratitude,
With Gratitude,